Alright, listen up, fucks. This is an opinion piece through-and-through, no writing stuff, except as far as anything and everything is related to writing. It feels like the world is in shambles and I just have to talk about some shitty aspects of the law that DON'T have anything to do with our idiot-in-chief, or I am going to EXPLODE.
... I'm sorry I called you a fuck, you're a beautiful person inside and out and I shouldn't have taken my aggression out on you like that. That's on me, my bad.
I mean, the heading says "Maggie Gets Antagonistic" for a reason, but it wasn't fair of me to hop out with that one without explaining what that means first. Basically, I sometimes need to vent about stuff. Sometimes very aggressively, such that even my friends would think I was mad at them, when in reality I'm just mad about the situation.
I also think it's really funny when I'm reading an informative article with about as much professionalism as President Cheeto-Man, which is why I like and Chuck Wendig so much. But I also feel bad when I do things like greet people with "Listen up, fucks," and I wouldn't want anyone to think I was trying to hurt them. So when I decide I need to discard my professional candy coating and inject venom from my veins into yours, I'm gonna get antagonistic, and label my articles as such.
Anyway. It seems pretty ridiculous to me that we still criminalize
1. Marijuana
Okay okay okay okay alright alright alright alright alright alright I know way to be cliché, Coates, great job, why don't you write about how blue the sky is and how the grass is, it'd be the same amount of original, blah blah blah.
"Also you already did this one," you add, and I sigh deeply because yes, I did. A few weeks ago, in case you didn't catch it, I posted a rebuttal to my cousin's facebook post asking about marijuana.
Those points still stand: people have a right to dignity of risk, substances are safer and attract less crime when they're legal and can be taxed, tracked, inspected, and controlled, and legalization allows us to study its effects both positive and negative, to the benefit of science and mankind.
Also, it's not as deadly or addictive as tobacco, it might help improve memory (when used in moderation), it has numerous medical applications that go well beyond pain control, and it's less dangerous to the public than alcohol consumption. And if you don't believe me, remember that most people don't get into fist fights when they're high. Most people don't even have the energy or motivation to do things like
drive, I mean, when was the last time you heard about someone getting a DUI for pot? When was the last time you heard about someone getting killed because they or someone else was high?
It's just ridiculous that we allow these provably deadly substances to circulate, substances dangerous to the health not only of those that partake but those
around them, and we draw the line when it comes to silly greens.
The Federal Government allows arsenic to be used as a pesticide on tobacco, which then retains the poison in concentrations generally between 90 and 780 parts per billion, but sometimes reaching
upwards of 2,000 ppb, with an average of 200-400 ppb in the US, our largest manufacturer putting out product with around
250 ppb, which, just fyi, means that
at minimum we allow for arsenic levels 9 times higher than the federal maximum for arsenic contamination in drinking water, which is set at
10 ppb by the EPA.
Me, ranting about this same topic on Facebook
If you think people deserve the dignity of risk inherent in a society in which alcohol and tobacco are legalized, but don't believe in allowing people the same dignity when it comes to something as innocuous as cannabis, you need to get off your high horse and stay out of the way.
If you protest marijuana but don't have any problems with tobacco or alcohol, you're a hypocrite. You don't care about safety or health or the good of society, you just care about enforcing your traditionalist values on people who have no interest in a traditionalist lifestyle, and I would be grateful if you stopped.
2. Polygamy
Who the hell is it hurting to let someone marry multiple partners?
The only reasoning behind the law against bigamy is "God said so," which, first of all, isn't true, there's plenty of polygamy in the Bible, and second of all, is super Judeo-Christain-centric, because there are a bunch of religions--Islam, Pagan religions, *heavy sigh* traditional mormonism--that allow for or even
encourage multiple partners. We're not exactly separating church and state here, are we?
And legally, what the fuck does a marriage do that can't be shared between three people instead of just two? Joint filing, ability to visit in the hospital, ability to make important decisions for one another's care, automatic joint custody of any children conceived during the union--all the things that same-sex couples have been talking about for years, poly tribes are still being denied.
If four people live together as, let's say, man and man and wife and wife, and they have a child, the birther automatically has full custody of the child. If she's married to one of the others, they then also have parental rights, and one of the fathers can put his name on the birth certificate. If they're savvy (which many people aren't), they'll have the person signing the birth certificate be a different person than the one she's married to.
These four people provide a very loving home for the child, and it grows up very happily with two moms and two dads that love it to death. But one day, three of the parents get into an accident; the remaining parental is married to none of them, and isn't allowed to make the tough decisions, maybe not even allowed to visit--the important decisions all go to the grandparents, who never cared for their children's lifestyle.
And because the remaining parental isn't legally anyone's next of kin, if the four of them hadn't written up a legal document leaving care of the child to one another, and the remaining parent was never made a legal guardian, care of the child reverts back to the grandparents.
It might be a little confusing, since the child legally had three families that could claim it, but the mother's family will usually win out. And let's say the mother's family doesn't care for any of their daughter's decisions. They can take the child back home with them and cut the remaining parental out of the picture completely, denying visits, hiding information, even calling the police if they feel like it, and the remaining parent likely has no legal recourse. None that anyone will listen to--legally speaking, they were just a roommate, a live-in babysitter.
And with there being no legal ties, our remaining member of the quad inherits nothing; they could even end up tossed out of their own home if their name isn't on the lease or the mortgage.
And most people don't think far enough ahead to realize they need to do any paperwork, or list anyone on the birth certificate, or draw up legal documents--my oldest brother was even too daft to list himself on his son's birth certificate, so whenever his relationship with his girlfriend got rocky, everyone would cling to the sides of the boat and pray no one fell over, because if she took my nephew and ran, the law would absolutely 100% be on her side. Unless he took a paternity test, of course, and while we're certain my nephew is his son, had the test come up negative he would've been out any chance at ever seeing his boy again, even though he raised him, clothed him, fed him; despite all he sacrificed to make sure he could provide for his family.
Family is more than blood, and marriage is the way that we tell the government, "This person is my family and needs to be treated as such." Some people believe in it, some people don't, some people go back and forth, but it can protect your ass when things go wrong, and the thing about life is, you never know what direction it's going to go wrong in.
Polyamorous people deserve to be able to protect themselves against that just as much as monogamous folk do.
The only halfway cogent argument I've heard against polygamy is that it's "oppressive to women," which is untrue. Yeah, yeah, I see where you're coming from, in most countries where polygamy is legal it's only polygyny, and the women are sold into it more than they enter into it, but this isn't Saudi Arabia. We can sing and dance and take off our shirts in public if we feel like it and no one can stop us!
Why the fuck would we assume that in a USA where you can marry multiple people, men would suddenly be able to force women into marriage? Do you think that's what men are already doing, but just to one woman at a time?
Women aren't property, and legalizing polygamy won't
make them property. If anything, when you have polyamorous lesbian covens popping up all over the place, and marriages where the men outnumber the women, it'll be hard to see these women entering into an equal and consenting union as
anything but their own. Not to mention the gay harems that want nothing to do with any part of poly but andry.
Damn it, if three people want to be able to share their lives together without worrying about paperwork or future calamities they should be able to go down to city hall like all the monogamuggles!
3. Pretending to be married
THIS PILE OF ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT if a cop wants to they could arrest u for calling ur boyfriend ur husband cAN U EVEN
Now listen here, cumslut, if I and my boyfriend and a third prospective mate ever decide to tie the knot and we perform a little backyard ceremony to become wife and husband and spouse in the eyes of our God that is our business and ours alone, and if we introduce ourselves as such to people the government has no right, NO RIGHT, to tell us we're committing a crime, I mean for fUCKS SAKE, was it a
crime for me to call my brother's girlfriend my sister-in-law before they were actually married? Was I violating the law that says you're not allowed to "impersonate a married couple?"
This is the shit that shut down that
Sister Wives show, because they were a polygamous gaggle that lived together and called themselves a married family unit and tHE LAW GOT PISSED AND RAN THEM THE FUCK OUTTA UTAH now u tell me, how the
goddamn hell do you run someone outta UTAH for POLYGYNY
it's the holy land of the mormons for crying out loud I mean
Look at me. Look me in the eyes. I mean it, look me in the eyes and tell me who it's hurting for me to call someone my spouse. It's not like they're claiming it on their taxes, if somebody wants to call their partner their spouse they shouldn't have to get a peace of paper from the government to do it, that's like saying no one can call me Maggie unless I get my name legally changed from Meghan, it's R I D I C U L O U S and I feel
so. much. hate.
It's not illegal for me to say I'm gonna kill a dude, but it's illegal for me to use a word to refer to someone with whom I've not signed a legal document wELL FUCK YOU AMERICA, FUCK YOU VERY VERY MUCH, this is the kinda shit the government is supposed to protect against, not a problem it's supposed to cause fucking Republicans always trying to peek into my bedroom window, wELL GUESS WHAT
was it illegal for my parents to call themselves divorced when they were only legally separated
was it illegal for my parents to call themselves separated before the paperwork went through
is it against the law for my friend to call a kid his adopted son because he's neither his son nor adopted but just a kid he took under his wing
is it against the law for me to call my boyfriend's parents my in-laws
I just. There's just, Why. There is
so much Why. Why is this even, who decided this was a good idea, why would it matter, I mean back in the olden days families had a little ceremony and the couple fucked three times and that was that, married in the eyes of the lord and everyone was happy, and I just
Okay. Alright, Okay okay alright alright alright, let me just. Breathe a second.
There's no reason this should be an issue. There's no reason for this law. It's a stupid law, and everyone should be able to live their life without fear of suddenly being brought up on charges for something as innocuous as
behaving like a married couple.
Fuck these laws. Fuck them hard in the ass without lube and don't let them finish, they are stupid and I am tired and I hope they die goodnight have a wonderful day, I love you you're beautiful never change Maggie out
*drops mic*