So I needed to clear out some space on my Toshiba's harddrive so I have room to continue making things, so I figured I would clear some of that space by dumping some photos on the blog. That way I can always find them if I need them, but I can get those huge files off my computer.
So here's some Homestuck art!
This is a piece my friend Heavyn drew for my birthday. She's a super talented artist, and if she ever makes an art site or a facebook page for her art, I will absolutely link it here and you should then definitely take a peek at her work.
(From here on out, all the work is mine)
It's hard to see, but this is Vriska protecting Tavros.
John holding hands with Karkat.
Tavros, John, and Rufioh dying.
And the piece de resistance, Horuss holding a reluctant Rufioh.
I started a sketch of me and the Homestuck characters and never managed to finish it. Drawing is hard.
John sketches.
A wild Jade appears!!
Cuties kissing <3 #JohnKat5ever
An early design from a series of paintings I planned out. I don't remember if this is John or Karkat. I think Karkat??
Sollux with wings.
Holy shit I forgot about these ones. I was working on a Tourette'sstuck series for a while. Karkat has a lot of self-injurious tics.
Poor Karkles does not treat himself well.
John has a lot of breathy tics. Dave is given to copropraxia.
Jade makes dog noises, and Rose has a lot of laughing and facial tics. Also tends to scratch at her throat.
Roxy gave Rose the laughing tics and Dave his copropraxia.
Rose, Grimdark and Pre-Grimdark.
Sketch for a lyricstuck I wanted to make.
The Signless, The Sufferer, Troll Jesus... Also some guy?? Idk who that was supposed to be.
Hear his sermon! Also maybe that was a sketch of a character from an original story I was working on.
John and Vriska holding hands.
John embracing Karkat.
I think this one is John.
Definitely John.
Okay, I'm really proud of how my winged Jade turned out.
Dave with wings. Put him in the green suit to make it pop.
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