Monday, February 22, 2016

Bloody, Bold, Irresolute: Late, But Live!

     Due to some unforeseen technical errors (namely, the internet connection in V101 is the absolute worst), I was unable to post the first episode of Bloody, Bold, Irresolute last night, as I had promised.
     The good news is, it's up now!
     You can listen to it on soundcloud for now, and it will soon also be available on the Bloody, Bold, Irresolute Tumblr.
     In case you missed it, this was the summary for the Bloody, Bold, Irresolute podcast:

​     Wintergreen is legally dead.  And illegally living in what used to be a carpet warehouse within what is now Eastern Deserted Daylark with her best friend and caretaker, Aiden, and the many Droids she's built over the years.  She's a Scorpio; an albino; a genius with technology that's out of this world.
     And she's also the first superhero the world has thus far seen.
     Taking to the crime-infested streets of Daylark, New York, Wintergreen spends her days kicking ass, inventing, maintaining those inventions, and attempting to unravel time and space itself with whatever meager (and subpar) materials she can scrounge up from the nearest dump.  For the time being, she's perfectly content to be Daylark's dirty little secret; it's easier to stay dead that way.  Sure, everyone in Daylark recognizes her, knows what she does, but the people of Daylark also don't ask many questions concerning the past.
     But then enters The Labrynth (who refuses to allow his name to be spelled any other way):  He's also legally dead, but unlike Wintergreen, isn't content to blend into the background of a ramshackle town for the rest of his days on Earth.  Aided by Hydra, his tigress companion, The Labrynth has big plans to lay the world at their feet and polish it until it shines--plans which happen to involve a lot of stealing and murder and, well, what the people of the twenty-first century would have called "terrorism."  
     When he makes his debut in Daylark, Wintergreen is, of course, thrilled at the prospect of a challenge, and the two quickly strike up a bitter rivalry.  
     But with the challenge comes a level of public recognition Wintergreen had neither wanted nor planned for, and with that, a slew of villains and heroes she never could have anticipated, none of whom even comes close to usurping her in the public's eye--you never forget your first, after all.  
     Will Wintergreen ever be able to fade back into the anonymity she prefers?  Will she be able to kill The Labrynth before he kills her?  And who is this "Delude" figure that's the new talk of the criminal underground?  
     Aiden, at least, hopes that Wintergreen will be around long enough to find out.

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